Michigan government information

For current information about what's happening related to state government, visit the Red Tape Blog available at http://blogpublic.lib.msu.edu/index.php?blog=5  The Red Tape Editor regularly pulls articles primarily from various newspaper web sites and selected other sources which relate to Michigan government.


For another source of current information about Michigan government news and issues, visit the Michigan Policy Network page at http://www.michiganpolicy.com/   This web suite provides information compiled by Michigan State University Department of Political Science interns.


And of course don't forget http://www.michigan.gov/ ,  the official State of Michigan Portal.  You can link to information from the state through Facebook, Twitter, RSS feeds, and YouTube.


The Michigan Legislature website has a page of publications that cover a variety of topics of interest to everybody for the state.  This includes the Michigan Manual (containing biographies of legislators and other public officials, descriptions of the agencies of the executive branch and the courts, the amendments to the state’s constitution, primary and general election results, all state departments, lists of county officers, and university profiles), official journals of the House and Senate, the Citizens Guide to State Government, and the Legislative Process.  The sidebar on the left hand side will link you to bills, committees, laws, session schedules, and the like.


An annotated list of agency databases for the State of Michigan is available from the ALA GODORT wiki.  The State Of Michigan's website itself has an A-Z list.  What with the realignment of agencies in 2009/2010, it's a good place to start. 


The University of Michigan Documents Center also has a huge amount of state data and links compiled at : http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/mich.html


For research into older Michigan documents, the Michigan State University Libraries have published Michigan State Government Documents: A Researcher’s Guide to Indexes, Finding Aids, and Reference Tools. It’s freely available on the MSU website, or you can order a paperback copy from Amazon.com.


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